

Dog Agility Competition 2008

The Persatuan Agiliti Anjing (PAA) is organizing the Dog Agility Competition 2008 at Silver Jubilee Home, Sungai Dua, Penang. This is the first event held by the association in 2008.

I don't know much about the Dog Agility Sport until this post. If you are not familiar with this sport or you have not even heard about the sports and would like to know more, here are some explanation to help to understand more about the sports which quoted from the PAA web.

On the above figure is an agility course consisting of an A-frame followed by a
tunnel, a tyre jump, a see-saw, a dog walk, a winged jump and weaving poles. The
handler and his dog work as a team. The dog is required to climb up the A-frame,
run through the tunnel, jump through the tyre jump, walk on the see-saw, walk on
the dog-walk, jump over the winged jump and weave in and out of the weaving
poles. What will the handler do in the meantime? The handler has to command the
dog using his voice and body language to negotiate the obstacles in the correct
manner.The game is such- the team who clears the obstacles with NO faults and
the fastest to reach the finishing line wins.In this example, the course is a
simple one. The agility course increase in complexity from Basic
Jumpers->Elementary->Novice->Open levels. Total number of obstacles are
from a minimum of 16 to a maximum of 20 obstacles. Below is an example of a
Novice Course. ...

quoted from PAA web

Here are some photos about the dog agility sport.

I hv been there yesterday for see a while. Then im going there 2day and i hv caught cam many dogs. Here the pic below:-

Here the video :-

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