

Simple Notepad Joke

intro:Simple notepad joke
I'm going to show you a simple joke with notepad.It's based on Visual Basic Script. Visual Basic Script is is an Active Scripting language developed by Microsoft. This will NOT HARM YOUR COMPUTERI MADE IT TO ENTER THE APRIL FOOLS SPEED CONTEST, SO IF YOU LIKE IT PLEASE VOTE!

step 1:Begining
Open Notepad and type this code:

dim answeranswer=MsgBox("Are you stupid?",36,"ALERT")

You can change the question ( Are you stupid?) with anything else.

step 2:Important part
Copy the second line several times, but be careful DO NOT copy it too much. The times you copy it depends on how many times the alert will show. I'll copy it 5 times. You have to copy this only this line:
answer=MsgBox("Are you stupid?",36,"ALERT")

step 3:Save
Go to File - Save as
Save your file at the Desktop with this name: DO NOT CLICK HERE.vbs
The name must end with .vbs

step 4:The joke
When you open the file you'll see that
It doesn't matter what you're going to click. You'll see this alert 5 times and you must click yes or no 5 times. ( this is because I copy the second line 5 times, if you copy it more times you'll have to click yes/no more times)

It's really annoying!!!!

Alternative code
In step 1, type code:

dim answer
answer=MsgBox("Are you stupid?",36,"ALERT")
do while(answer<>6)
answer=MsgBox("Are you stupid?",36,"ALERT")

Other code:
dim answer
answer=MsgBox("Are you stupid?",36,"ALERT")
answer=MsgBox("So you ARE stupid, yes?",36,"ALERT")
answer=MsgBox("That takes some balls to admit you're stupid. You know that,
answer=MsgBox("OK, now the whole WORLD knows you're stupid! Hit that button again and tell the whole
freaking galaxy!",36,"ALERT")

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