

Dinner at T-Bowl Restaurant

I hv celebrate mothers' day wif my gamily recently. My sister suggest 2 to go T-Bowl restaurant for dinner. Its good 2 me for tasting new food.

Detail place:-
T-Bowl Restaurant
Location : Inside Queens Bay Mall, Next to GSC CinemaGPS
Coordinate : N5 20.061 E100 18.389 Address : 3F-43, Queensbay Mall, Penang
Contact No : None
Business Hour : Daily 11am to 10.00pm
Off Day :
Price: Reasonable
Credit Card : No
Air Conditioned : YES
Halal : No
Smoking and non smoking zone : No
Tax : 5% Gov and 10% Service

"The whole restaurant’s furniture are toilet equipments. The chair for customer to sit on is a decorated toilet bowl. The table are bath tubs for long table and basin with a glass on top of them. The environment do really makes you feel that you are dining in a toilet.

Foods wise, everything just so so only. Even the food also served on a miniature toilet bowl." says Foodpoi

Scene of Restaurant:-


Tomyam Seafood Udon

Mocha Blended & Soursop Blended

Special Happy Meal

Tomyam Chicken Fried Pot wif Rice

Black Pepper Chicken Fried Udon

Mocha Blended

Chicken Fried Spaghetti

Tomyam Seafood Rice

1 Opinions:

Unknown said...

This one is at Queensbay rite? I saw it from outside only.. At that time kia kia waiting to buy ticket to watch movie.

Actually Queensbay place has nothing much to see as to compare to KL down here... lol